Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Personal Entries

Friday 10.21.11:
          Lasted 10 minutes: 9:50pm-10:00pm- was in the shower when it began-he said “the shower (drops) started to feel ‘weird’ and he knew he was starting to have it. He mentioned this is the first time he’s had it in the shower. Breathing normally, not fast- Heart rate 76 BPM,-took HR 3 times and was consistent- Yesterday went to bed at 11:00 pm- he woke up at 5:45 am- went to work has one cup of coffee- during lunch, had left over pasta, carrot, apple, cheese crackers, and 2 lemon cookies-throughout the day he had 6-8 Gatorades and bottled waters. He worked until 3:30 pm. Came home around 3:45 pm- once at home BM, we went for a bike ride and then he went to play tennis with his dad, came home ate dinner-8:45pm- leftover turkey and mac and cheese- watched TV. Came to me after shower and told me he was having one of his “things”, I turned off the fan and had him lay down in the living room- his pulse was 76 BPM, he was warm (considering he just got out of the shower and was dried off) and pink, his pupils were reactive and not dilated nor constricted, his breathing was calm and consistent. He mentioned that this “wasn’t a bad one, about a 5/10”- “still functional”-“Last time, I thought I was going to ‘fall out’” He is currently in the bed about to go to sleep, he has to wake up in the morning to go to work, again. He is working a shut down right now and he’s working over time. He’s stressed at work and I know he’s tired. We’re still in the process of figuring out what triggers this.

Pupils 2cm in dark room
98.3 f
Started in shower, (2 mins) dried off and lay on living room floor. Lasted about 7-8 mins.  He was taking deep breaths to concentrate so about 8 breaths per minute. He had left over dirty rice for breakfast. Nothing to drink, yet.
Yesterday we woke up I got him 2 chocolate covered donuts and a coffee w/ cream and sugar then he worked on the Miata, he was frustrated because what he’s been working on for 2 wks wasn’t going according to plan. So he came in and had lunch of turkey and cheese sandwich, Pringles, grapes, and carrots. We ran to the dollar store and auto parts place and came home.  We got ready and went to a hockey game. We had pretzels and  a coke on the way to the game and he had 2 hotdogs at the game along with a Dr. Pepper. We enjoyed the game and left for home, we stopped at Bucee’s where we got a coke and shared a sausage and cheese plate. We got home around 1130 and watched TV and fell asleep in the living room. We woke up around 1030 and started watching TV  He’s drinking water now and ate 3 mini snickers bars this morning. BM @ 1:15
11.15.11 I thought he may have another spell tonight; he worked OT tonight and left straight from work to class. He didn’t get home until 8:30! He was hungry, so he ate the Thanksgiving Dinner I bought him at work! Around 10, he stated that he wanted to take a shower, but he was feeling weird, like he may have “one”. He laid on the floor for about 10 mins and said he still felt weird; he couldn’t describe it. He took a shower, when he got out he still felt it. He is now sleeping, it’s almost 11.

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